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Name : Cloe Houghtling AKA The Evil OneWeight: 7lbsHeight : 1' 10"Hair Color : Brown/ Black/OrangeEye Color : GreenWanted for downloading Kitty Porn(Ha Ha). Do Not attempt to apprehend suspect is armed and dangerous. She may look cute and cuddly but this cat is pure evil.
I know , I know now it has been more than a month since I have updated my blog. I have busy with studing for test a lot lately it seeems. I had a lecture exam in A&P, a lab test in A&P, and a take home test in American Studies all within a week or so. I am trying really hard to get my gpa up. Its not failing or anything, I just want to be really competived to get into the Nursing program. I haven't had much time to blog. I haven't been out on my bike much (alright not at all) since my wreck out at Thompson. Just gotta wait for the Dr. 's okay. I think maybe I tore something in it when I crashed. But as soon as I can I will be back out there. While I'm not as obsessive as my hubby(yes you heard me obsessive) I do enjoy riding the trails.
Well I'm alive but been busy. I have been trying to keep up with classes, went to Michigan for a wedding, and oh yea trying to kill myself on my mountain bike. I decided to be betty bad ass and follow my hubby down a hill on the trails like a pro(which I'm not even close). I went airborne over the handlebars and leg first sideways (dont ask I dont know how) into a tree. I spend the last week on crutches but nothing broke! The bruises are ugly but are somewhat healing. I am stiff and sore but will live. I have my final exam in Psych. class tommarrow so keep your fingers crossed for me please. My favorite thing coming up is my music class assignment... Go to a Big and Rich concert. Whoo Hoo ! Gotta love music class.
I know that seems like a weird comment to make but I had two test this week and did pretty good. Or at least I think I did good on my A&P test. I have another one on Tuesday so I'll be studying this weekend. I got my pysch. test back yesterday and got a B. I have my first history test on Wednesday and also my first music test on Tuesday. So I have a busy week ahead of me. Plus getting the housecleaned for the housesitter cause we leave for MI again on Thursday. Austin was a little upset to find out that I am getting his homework for him to do while me are up there. What a rotten mom !!
I made it through surgery alive :). I'm a little sore but definately feel better. I have more movement in my hand and the pressure on the fingers is gone. I had it done on monday afternoon ,under block of course, and still went to class yesterday. I dont know if it was the smartest thing to take my pyschology test under the influence of the stuff the gave me the night before. As I mentioned I had a block done but they still gave something "to help me relax." I slept most of the night Monday. I also found out, I think, that part of the reason I get sick afterwards(duh it should have hit me sooner)
is that they give me pain medication on a empty stomach. Today I will be studying for my first A&P test , please cross your fingers for me.
Well it looks like due to the stupid fracture in my wrist, I have tendonitis. I found out yesterday that I need to have surgery on it. The doctor says its like a 15 minute and he done. They have to go in and cut the scar tissue that is attached to the tendon , throw in a couple stitches and I will be good as new. I go in on Sept. 11th. I had made the decision not to let them put me under before that but after finding out the date ..... IT IS A BIG HELL NO ..... give the block. Maybe I'm being silly but oh well.
It looks like A&P II this semster will teach me more than last semster. I also learned that I'm not the only one who had a hard time last semster with a certain instructor. Also I guess in one of the other instructor's classes someone was out and out cheating. Damn. I mean come on now. If you can't pass honestly , then take your grade and try again harder next time. People like that make me mad. But anyways I will get off my high horse. Other than school starting nothing to exciting going on this week.
* evil grin and laugh* We have finally done it. Austin and I have managed to make Chris sick. Normally we get sinus problems and he just makes fun of us. But this time it must have been a strong bug cause it got him too. Grant you he isn't as bad off as us but we got him. lol Now that you think I'm crazy..... Anyways tomorrow I start my second day of this semester at MSC. Today I had my history class. It seems like it should be easy enough to get a good grade in that class as long as I read the book. Which won't be hard. Okay I shouldn't admit this but I like history. Okay now you know I am crazy. Tuesday and Thursday will be my busy day. I will make it through okay though.
We got the Saturn!! The Silverado will be missed, but woo hoo better gas mileage. Plus you can't beat $432 for a new car with a lot of great features. Chris is very happy to be back in a vehicle with a manual transmission. Which means the brave man has to give me a refresher course on shifting and such (hey keep it clean this is a family blog!). Also I finally got my new chairs for my dining room table. If it had been this painless last year, I would have love it. It took less than a week to get them. They look great ! We get the Vue tomarrow so there should be be pics on Monaday at the latest.
Tricks are for kids!! After a LOOOONNNNGGGGG day of car shopping , I am beat. We went to the Saturn dealership , the Pontiac lot and Chevy. Don't get me wrong we love the Silverado ( I say we like I'm the one giving up my truck) but the gas mileage SUCKS. Anyways in the end we are hoping for the Saturn Vue. The salesman at the other places were complete assholes. First the guy at Pontiac was mad that we werent over the top excited about their car and then they really got nasty when we didn't like the fact we didn't buy their car. They are way overpriced on the Vibe. We can get a better loaded Vue for the same price as a base model Vibe. And the jackasses at Chevy want Chris to bend over and take it like a man on the trade in on the Silverado. And when the Sales Manager said he wasnt good with math, he wasn't kidding. Boy it is scary who gets to sell cars!! Now the Saturn dealer was low pressure, very respectful and have a great SUV. And it gets good gas mileage. If your car shopping, click on the link.
Hmm lets see where to start.... Oh yea I went into see the Doctor today and found it will be another week in the brace. UGH!!! I don't think I will be ever free from this thing. He said with where I fractured my wrist the I most likely developed tendonitis and will have to wear the brace for another week . Plus I get to take lots of ibprofen and then come back to see him in 2 weeks. I am now crossing my fingers that I will be free by Labor Day weekend because we are going camping. Please wish me Luck!! Next week, I start back to Macon State College. I have actually missed school or maybe I just want to get through it and get my nursing degree. Anyways we had a good weekend. Saturday we had some friends over and Chris cooked on the grill. Yummo(as Rachael Ray would say) steaks. I would have Chris marinade steaks and grill them for me then to go to ANY steakhouse. Yes they are that good.. Great food Great company what could be better! Sunday we played lazy in the morning, then went to Macon to walk around the mall for a while. Oh yea we finally got matching dining room chairs for our table. Woo Hoo it only took a year. And one of the best things to happen this week is that my best friend found out she is going to be a Mommy in March. She has been trying for about 3 years and it couldnt have happened for a better person. She is going to be a GREAT Mom!!! I wonder if she is sticking to the I can be there when she gives birth because I went through Labor to well thing??
I feel kinda a groundhog... The orthopedic doctor saw a crack still so 2 more weeks in a brace this time instead of a cast. I, at least have use of my fingers again. Bad news for the idiot drivers who get in my way though. :) I apparently inherited the road rage from both my parents so I really have bad road rage. Anyways back to the wrist .... the doc said we will do x-rays again and I should be free in 2 weeks. I hope so! I never want to break anything again. But with my lack of grace, I'm sure I will. Chris is going to have to get me fitted for a plastic bubble for sure.
It was raining here today so we stayed in the house and cleaned. I bought a package of the Mr. Clean magic erasers max power or something like that. Anyways I clean my shower on a regular basis but the floor always looks dingey so I tried the Mr Clean thing and man did it come clean. It was gross the soap scum that came off the floor. Eww sorry I hope no one was eating while reading this.
Ugh Doctors!!!!!!!!! I saw the doctor today like the ER told me too. That was a big waste of time. He told me it was still fractured.... no duh . I waited a really long time for that. He couldnt even help with the skin getting all icky white and cracked. Like Chris said thank god we arent coming out of pocket for the visit. Anyways so I have to wait for a week to get a referral to an orthopedic doctor then make an appointment with him. My wrist should be just about healed at that time.
I made it home on Thursday. I had a good time in Michigan. We had a fun 4th of July with lots of yummy food. My cousin made this great BLT dip and my aunt made her famous spinach dip. The weather was good and there was no rain. The whole trip was a great time. I got to spend time with all my family and friends. And I got to hit Jack in the Box on the way up there and back. WOO HOO. I cant help it, I love those Sourdough Jacks. The only bad thing about the trip was that I got delayed coming back because I fractured a bone in my wrist the day before I was suppose to come back. You would think that a 28 year old and a 3o &1/2 year wouldn't be acting like big kids in a park but we were :-) . And me being naturally graceful (note the sarcasm) I fell over my feet. So plastic bubble here I come.
Here we come. lol. Not that it will be any difference cause I don't post all that much now, but I will be in Michigan for 2 weeks. It will be a blast. I get to spend time with my family and friends. And one of the best parts of the drive will be that I can stop in TN to get Jack in the Box. Yummo. I love their Sourdough Jacks. Thank goodness we have a housesitter who is willing to live with our three dogs the whole time. Anyways I should have alot to write about when I get back. Road Trip.....
Wow it's been a while since I wrote anything here. Well I do have a good excuse, I had a 2nd degree burn on the back of my left hand that was pretty bad. I almost completely charred the skin there. It was grey the next morning and I had to go see the doctor. It got it taken care of but it was sore and stiff. I couldnt do a whole lot with it including typing . Okay enough with the pity party. I did go see the movie , "CARS" with Austin on Friday. It was a cute movie. Larry the cable guy was great as the Tow truck , Mater. Richard Petty and his wife were the voices of two of the characters. And DW(Darrel Waltrip for all you non NASCAR fans) was an announcer in the movie too. It was even better than Over The Hedge in my opinion. And OTH was funny. Today is my Dad's Birthday. I hope he got the card in time. I forgot to call him which is too bad cause Austin was going to sing Happy Birthday to him.
I went out to the Bike Store the other day and dropped off the rest of the parts to Chris's new bike. Wow it is a sharp looking bike already so it is going to look awesome when it is fully together. I think I have mentioned before that he is an avid mountain bike rider. And I am a HUGE supporter of him at Sometimes it does get on my nerves. But for the most part I try to be there for him. Anyways the new bike is looking great!!! And on a plus side I did get to drive his truck. :-)
Friday night my son Austin and I went to go see "Over the Hedge". What a GREAT movie. It is very child friendly. Yes there are some adult jokes in there but younger kids won't catch them. Austin kinda got the nuts joke but not fully. Over all it was really good. I really love hammy the squirrel. I dont know there is just something about the little twitchy guy that is cute. We had a good time . First we went to Wendy's for dinner. Austin got an Over the Hedge toy, the turtle, so he took into the movie with him. He was such a little gentleman on our "date" too. They gave me sweet tea at Wendy's so he was nice and took it back up to get me unsweetened tea. I don't know how anybody can drink that sweet stuff. One sip will turn your teeth rotten I swear. Yuck!!! That is just my opinion.
It has been awhile since I have posted. I got the measles. I know what your thinking isn't that a kids disease ? Well apparently not but let me tell you it sucks. My whole body hurt and I had a rotten headache that wouldn't go away for a week. I was so tired, weak, and itchy most of the week. I don't recommend getting them to anyone. Anyways I will try to keep this a little more up to date now that I'm feeling better.
I made it through finals week alive. Now hopefully so did my GPA. Now the question is what am I going to do with this summer. Well nothing to exciting but in July, Austin and I are going to roadtrip up to MI for the 4th. That should be fun. Lots of food(my family things they are feeding a Army) and fun. And tons of fireworks. Until them I am going to start back on my pilates to get toned. Also I'm going to get out and ride my bike. My plan is to be able to almost keep up with my hubby on his bike when we hit the trails together. He is in awesome shape(he'd disagree but I think so). I'm pretty good at the downhill stuff but getting up the hills kills me. He thinks he is going to get me into racing competively like he does but no way jose. Not this girlie. I make a better supporter then a racer.
I 'm still here. I have been just studying really hard. I'm so trying to make sure that my GPA is high so I can get into the nursing program next spring. I stress out some much during finals. Thank god I got rid of most of the junk food in the house cause otherwise I would end up weigh 2 tons.
I made it through my oral report on poetry. I don't know what was redder, though, my face or my dress. Man do I hate public speaking! My heart pounds so fast and I get very flushed. Not to mention the sick to my stomach feeling. Ugh. Then I found out that my finals are all at weird times. I had to jump through my butt to get things straight for Austin. 1 more week then I have a few months off. I almost think this is more stressful than work. I need my food network therapy. There is nothing more calming than a couple episodes of 30 minute meals and Paula's homecooking.
Next week begins finals already. Wow did this semster go by quickly. This weekend I will be a busy little student making sure I am ready for my finals. I had to get sitter for Austin because next thursday I have to be in at 8am and his bus doesnt get here till 7:45. No way even with my lead foot can I make it to Macon in 15 minutes. But after next thursday, I will be off for the summer. WOO HOO. ha ha I feel like a kid again. Lots of time for exercising on my pilates ball and biking riding.
Only two more weeks to go whew! That will make for a pretty boring blog this summer. Not that it is all that interesting now. Ha Ha. All mine classes were pretty much the same this week. We are all just getting ready for finals.
While he was in rare form today, actually kind of funny, my A&P teacher was also an ass today. We finally got test results back 3 weeks late and blamed us students for not getting better grades on it. Boy everyone did crappy and its not his fault.... its just the whole class sucks. Sounds fishy to me.
I'm not bad in the morning but apparently my english teacher is not a morning person. She was in a bad mood this morning. She missed class on monday because she overslept and felt the need to take it out on us this morning. Meeeooowww. My next class went better though. Government was pretty good. We were all laughing and having a good time while learning so that is always a plus. History class was okay too. I like history because I get good grades without trying. I have to have an easy class now and again. Plus the professor trys to keep it interesting for those who dont care for history.
It's pretty clear I'm serious about my career choice huh? I should be at 27 years old. Right now I'm finishing my first full time semster in college. I was going part time in Arizona and working full time. So this is a new experience for me. It is definately interesting being a married mom in school with a bunch of 19 and 20 year olds. Nothing personal to younger people but man do I fell old. But heck even these days my husband(who is older than me) makes me feel old. He is kick ass shape. He is really into bike riding and it shows. I just cant hang with him. I have tried riding with him but I usually eat his dust. I do enjoy the downhills stuff though. And he says I'm pretty good at it.