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I went out to the Bike Store the other day and dropped off the rest of the parts to Chris's new bike. Wow it is a sharp looking bike already so it is going to look awesome when it is fully together. I think I have mentioned before that he is an avid mountain bike rider. And I am a HUGE supporter of him at Sometimes it does get on my nerves. But for the most part I try to be there for him. Anyways the new bike is looking great!!! And on a plus side I did get to drive his truck. :-)
Friday night my son Austin and I went to go see "Over the Hedge". What a GREAT movie. It is very child friendly. Yes there are some adult jokes in there but younger kids won't catch them. Austin kinda got the nuts joke but not fully. Over all it was really good. I really love hammy the squirrel. I dont know there is just something about the little twitchy guy that is cute. We had a good time . First we went to Wendy's for dinner. Austin got an Over the Hedge toy, the turtle, so he took into the movie with him. He was such a little gentleman on our "date" too. They gave me sweet tea at Wendy's so he was nice and took it back up to get me unsweetened tea. I don't know how anybody can drink that sweet stuff. One sip will turn your teeth rotten I swear. Yuck!!! That is just my opinion.
It has been awhile since I have posted. I got the measles. I know what your thinking isn't that a kids disease ? Well apparently not but let me tell you it sucks. My whole body hurt and I had a rotten headache that wouldn't go away for a week. I was so tired, weak, and itchy most of the week. I don't recommend getting them to anyone. Anyways I will try to keep this a little more up to date now that I'm feeling better.
I made it through finals week alive. Now hopefully so did my GPA. Now the question is what am I going to do with this summer. Well nothing to exciting but in July, Austin and I are going to roadtrip up to MI for the 4th. That should be fun. Lots of food(my family things they are feeding a Army) and fun. And tons of fireworks. Until them I am going to start back on my pilates to get toned. Also I'm going to get out and ride my bike. My plan is to be able to almost keep up with my hubby on his bike when we hit the trails together. He is in awesome shape(he'd disagree but I think so). I'm pretty good at the downhill stuff but getting up the hills kills me. He thinks he is going to get me into racing competively like he does but no way jose. Not this girlie. I make a better supporter then a racer.
I 'm still here. I have been just studying really hard. I'm so trying to make sure that my GPA is high so I can get into the nursing program next spring. I stress out some much during finals. Thank god I got rid of most of the junk food in the house cause otherwise I would end up weigh 2 tons.