Sunday, March 07, 2010

Stranger things have happened...

Well its been a long, busy and strange year. I passed my state boards and became a LPN. Then I moved back to Michigan and started working full time again. Life couldn't get better huh? Oops Then January of this year the bottom dropped out sort of. My husband filed for divorce out of the blue. So come April 1st, I will be single again. At first I saw it as a bad thing but then I saw that he was right. I deserved better than I was getting treated in our marriage. I'm not going to lie and say I was the perfect wife but I wasn't evil reincarnated either. I made huge mistakes the first year we were married. I tried to make up for them but I guess I couldn't. I spent a lot of time taking care of him first and me second but in the end it really didn't help. So now I realize that I need to take care of myself. I need to spend time remembering who Lissa is instead of thinking being Mrs is the most important thing. I've always know that I have been wanted to be a nurse, so now I am going to focus meeting my career goals. Also I am trying to make sure that my son is happy and getting his ducks in a row too. And hopefully the next time I fall in love, it will be with someone who will give me the same unconditional love I gave my almost ex husband. Its been a long strange year but its going to get better.

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