Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Broken Hearted Again

Well I was dumb enough to believe that things with my ex husband and I could be worked on still. If you couldn't tell I was still very much in love with him. He came to my house to pick up his things in July and we talked. We had been talking up until the beginning of Sept. and hell I even flew over to Hawaii to work on things. I appreciate the fact he paid for the ticket and that we had a chance to talk. We (I thought) had made some progress but that's what I get thinking. I wasn't looking for anything for more than a commitment to working on things but he has ignored me since I flew home. I guess its my fault for putting my heart out there to get broken again and for being dumbing enough to think we could honestly work things out. Now I'm nursing a broken heart again and wishing I could just turn off the pain. I have found a new song by Sara Evans that is becoming the top played on my list. The chorus goes like this ... And I'm done hoping we can work it out, I'm done with how it feels spinning my wheels letting you drag my heart around,and I'm done thinking you can ever change, I know my heart will never be the same but I'm telling myself I'll be okay even on my weakest days I get a little bit stronger. He wanted to say that he was the one making himself vulnerable to me but he wasn't the only one and looks like I'm the one who keeps getting my heart stomped on. So now I'm trying to deal again with the pain and getting my life back on track. Maybe this time getting over the pain will be easier and I will get a little bit stronger everyday.